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Getting Back to Nature
Like so many of us I work on the computer all day long, so for me it’s extra special to spend time outside…
Our Favorite Auckland Cafés
Sed existimo te, sicut nostrum Triarium, minus ab eo delectari, quod ista Platonis, Aristoteli, Theophrasti orationis ornamenta neglexerit. Utrum igitur tibi litteram videor…
Helpful Travel Tips
Since I can remember I loved to travel and always got excited to pack my bag and get ready. I think the excitement…
How to Appreciate the Little Things in Life
We think about future events or get frustrated about our own reactions of the past. This does not get us anywhere and at…
Visit to the Auckland Domain with its Beautiful Winter Gardens
Sin laboramus, quis est, qui alienae modum statuat industriae? Ab his oratores, ab his imperatores ac rerum publicarum principes extiterunt. Nam his libris…

Be true to your heart and you will find your passion. Believe in yourself and you will find your purpose in life. Listen to your heart, it never lies. — Thoughts by Ellen Read More
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